Monday, July 11, 2011

Hotbuys..have changed! But for the better or worse?

Hello everyone..So I was looking at the starblog earlier
and I found the first hotbuys collection, then I looked 
at the newest one and I saw major changes!
Is it just me or have hotbuys gotten worse..Maybe
it's just my style and I just don't like it--maybe others 
do..but I am very interested to see who agrees or 
disagrees! SO please write what you think: here
is just pictures of the first hotbuys collection and 
the newest one:
First hotbuys collection:

Newest hotbuys collection:

Please comment and tell us !
-Purplepoppy24 xx


  1. yer some of them are getting worse! but some just have some no nice things, that noone really likes but some people do(maybe) but most of us stardollers dont have that type of taste! most of us (ive been looking at heaps of medolls) like the elegant new LE and colourful but powerful outfits!
    shellygirl14 xx

  2. I agree!! :)
    I think they should sometimes send us a form asking us our styles etc..and they can get an idea from that!

  3. yes that would be a good idea!
